The Peace Triangulation

We have a Department of Defense, not to start wars, but to protect and maintain a peace.  If we must, our nation can go to war.  A much better solution is to use our powerful military to leverage those nations and individuals into providing economic, social and political opportunities for their citizens.  

That must be our goal.  

Not to spread America's beliefs or our economy onto others, but to demand that all nations provide equal rights in their governments, equal status to all of its citizens and individual freedoms to pursue what is in their hearts.

If we truly stand up for that, with the driving force being not to control people's beliefs, but to influence them with leadership and the hope of a better future when we all work together, we can gain allies and diminish our enemies' strength.

Control and force is not leadership, but weakness.

Ideas, ideals and character through example is how America should lead.  Those are the three pillars of peace.

Our Peace Triangulation must be realistic, aware and sweeping.  We are not alone in this world and we do not have the same religious, political, social or economic beliefs as every nation or citizenry in the world.  

The best way we can move toward eliminating war and moving in the direction of peace is by demonstrating before a watching world how our ideas, ideals and character can effectively govern our own nation.  Only by doing that can we truly lead and that is what the Mannix Administration is here to do.

Are we afraid to fight?  Hell, no.  Do we grab a gun and move our military at the first sign of difference?  Absolutely not.  

We engage, we explore and respect differences as long as those differences allow for freedom of expression and for equality of opportunity.  Where they do not, we have a challenge.  To meet that challenge, we continue to hone our democracy's example, stand up to injustice in word and in deed and we mobilize our armies to insure the protection of the American citizen, the American creed and human rights everywhere.