Economic Disparities


  • By the 2016 election, the top 1% of earners will control over 50% of the world's wealth.
  • CEOs make 331 times the amount of the average worker

So, what can we do to solve this problem?

Simple, a strong and bold solution that undoubtedly some will call un-American, but if people believe that it is American for the top earners in our country to make that much more than the average citizen, then I ask you, isn't it time to change this part of America?

The solution:  

Simple.  Put a cap on earnings and tax any average salary that is 20 times the average worker's salary.

You disagree?  Do you believe that anyone's hard work is worth 20 times that of an unskilled person who works to their fingers bleed?  If you do, that is fine.  Please don't vote for me.  We share different values.

The simple solution is that anyone who makes more than 20 times the amount of the average individual, will have that difference taxed and the money will go toward governmental programs like infrastructure, healthcare, social security, and defense which certainly benefit, not only all Americans, but benefit those who are being taxed by the shared resources in these programs that benefit our communities, which, in turn benefit them by turning their ridiculous excess wealth into programs that help us all.

Communism?  Nope.  Common sense.  No one needs five houses our five cars.  If you want to do that in this country at the expense of the rest of the 99%, then I do not want your vote and I certainly do not want to be your neighbor or, most definitely, not your employee.